Table Of Contents

My Profile and More memberplanet App Features

  1. Use the Mobile App to Make Profile Updates
  2. Glossary - My Profile and More memberplanet App Features

Use the Mobile App to Make Profile Updates

The following are available to both admins and members, with the exception of the feature to manage a group:

Access My Profile on the mobile app

Update or change profile image

Update name or email address

Change password

Add a payment method

Manage My Groups


Download the app on iTunes App Store or Google Play.


Access My Profile on the Mobile App

  1. Tap the menu icon in the upper left


  1. Select My Profile


Update or change profile image

Tap Edit in the top section with an image placeholder.

You will have the option to Open Camera and take a profile picture or Open Gallery and select a picture from your phone.


Update name or email address

Tap Edit in the second section. Update your name and email address, then click Save Changes.


Change password




Click the Change Password button. Enter your old password and new password, then tap Change.


Add a payment method


Adding and saving a payment method allows you to make payments without having to enter your payment details multiple times.

Tap Add in the Payment Method section. Scan or enter in credit card details, then click Add.

Note: Adding a payment method here will not update your payment method for a recurring membership payment. Recurring payment methods can only be changed via desktop/laptop computer. 


Manage My Groups

The memberplanet app allows you to integrate multiple groups into a single news feed to achieve a more comprehensive viewing experience. This is especially helpful if you manage multiple groups and have a list of frequently viewed groups. Admins can set up their Favorites feed -- a list of selected groups’ combined items, events, and reminders. Your Favorites feed will always be your default news feed when you open the app. To view segregated lists, you can always swipe to individual groups or disable the Favorites feed.

  1. Tap the menu icon in the upper left
  2. Tap My Groups
  3. Select Set Favorites
  4. Tap a group to select or deselect it in your Favorites feed


  • Disable favorites by deselecting all groups.
  • Your Favorites feed can include all, some, or none of your groups – it’s up to you!


Glossary - My Profile and More memberplanet App Features


Favorites feed: a list of selected groups’ combined items, events, and reminders, which is the default news feed upon opening the app.