Set Up and Managing Deposits
Set Up and Managing Deposits
How to use Deposits?
The Deposits function can be used to organize offline payments (payments collected outside of memberplanet) into batches, or “deposits.” Deposits may be locked once they are reconciled in your accounting software.
- In the left hand navigation, select Banks & Accounting and from the drop down menu select Deposits
- Using the search options, search for your deposit
- Click on a deposit to view an itemized breakdown of all payments added to a deposit
- Select the Download button to export the details
- In the left hand navigation, select Banks & Accounting and from the drop down menu select Deposits
- Select the Add deposit button
- Add Deposit details
- The reference ID may be any external ID you want to use to identify the deposit later. For example, if you have a deposit slip from when the payments were deposited into your bank account
- All deposits will start out as “Not reconciled yet” by default, meaning that they can be edited, and payments can be added.
- Deposit date
- Memo
- Reference ID
- Status
- Select Save to complete
- In the left hand navigation, select Banks & Accounting and from the drop down menu select Deposits
- Using the search options for date or deposit ID, search for the Deposit you would like to edit
- Click the deposit, and from the right hand pop out screen, select the Edit deposit details button
- On the following screen make your edits to your deposit
- Select Save to complete
Marking a deposit as reconciled will lock the deposit, meaning that no payments may be added to or removed from the deposit
- In the left hand navigation, select Banks & Accounting and from the drop down menu select Deposits
- Using the search options for date or deposit ID, search for the Deposit that you’ve reconciled in your accounting workflow outside of memberplanet
- Click the deposit, and from the right hand pop out screen, select the Mark as reconciled button
Assigning Offline Payments to Deposits
Assigning to:
If you have not set up a deposit or added offline payments in to your reports yet, you will want to to use the steps for Add Deposit and Add offline payments first before beginning the process of adding the offline payments to a deposit
- In the left hand navigation, select Deposits
- Using the search options, search for your deposit
- Click the deposit, and from the right hand pop out screen, select the View Payments button
- Select Add Payment button on the following page
- Search for the payment using the search options (you must use at least one field but can use more)
- Payment date
- Payer first name
- Payer email
- Payer Org ID
- Select the checkbox to the left of the payment(s) you would like to add
Note: if the payment has already been assigned to a different deposit, it must be removed from the other deposit first before adding it to the new deposit. Payments in reconciled deposits cannot be removed.
- Select Save in the bottom right hand corner to complete
If you have not set up a donation site yet, you will want to complete those steps first.
How to Set Up a Donation Site. Once your donation site is set up, you will have the option to log offline payments and assign those payments to a deposit.
- In the left hand navigation, select Donation Sites
- Select the title of the Donation Site you wish to record an offline payment to and add to a deposit
- On the next screen select, Record an offline donation
- Record the payment information
- Amount
- Payment Date
- Payment Type
- Payer
- Memo - Optional
- Deposit
- If your deposit already exists select the deposit from the drop down menu
- If your deposit does not exist, select the create a new deposit button to create a new deposit for the payment
- Select Record payment to finish
If you have not set up an event form yet, you will want to complete those steps first. How to Set Up an Event. Once your event is set up, you will have the option to log offline payments and assign those payments to a deposit
- In the left hand navigation, select Events
- Select the title of the event you wish to record an offline payment to and add to a deposit
- From the available options, select Record an RSVP
- On the next screen select, Record an offline membership level payment
- Record payment information:
- Reply
- First Name and Last Name
- Number of attendees
- Additional information fields
- Ticket/Payment items
- Payment type
- Deposit
- If your deposit already exists select the deposit from the drop down menu
- If your deposit does not exist, select the create a new deposit button, to create a new deposit for the payment
- Select the Continue button to complete
If you have not set up a payment form yet, you will want to complete those steps first. How to Set Up a Payment Form. Once your payment form is set up, you will have the option to log offline payments and assign those payments to a deposit
- On the left navigation bar, hover over Payment Form and click Manage Payment Forms in the submenu
- Select the name of the payment form you wish to manage
- Click Record an Offline Payment
- If your form is collecting additional information, fill in your form fields, or proceed to the payment fields and select purchased items, date, payment type, member info/name/email and any additional notes
- Select Deposit or Create a new Deposit to assign payment to
- Click the Record Payment button